Saturday, July 26, 2008

Eating Your Workout

Guess what? If you work out and exercise, you need more nutrition than if you were sedintary. By the way, you don't want people calling you sedintary. It means you're not so much into physical activity, and it just sounds bad. Anyway, if you are sedintary, feel free to not eat breakfast and have only 2 meals a day cause it doesn't matter anyway. Okay, rather than that, lets go in the other direction and have you start working out, but keep in mind how pointless it is without eating. Somebody last night told me they workout in the morning every single day and only have coffee until lunchtime. I went off on him for 30 minutes, and now I hear he's eating breakfast.

Your postworkout meal should be your largest meal of the day. Not pre-workout meals. After a workout, your muscles' glycogen stores are screaming to be replenished for energy storage. So, the best way to get energy for a workout is by getting a ton of carbs and protein after the last workout you had.

Here's what you have to do: Quit thinking that you can jam a bunch of carbs in your face like that is going to give a boost of energy in the immediate term. It doesn't work that way. You only need a small sustainable amount of blood sugar to maintain energy. The energy that your muscles have stored in them is the glycogen I mentioned earlier and that is best replenished in earlier meals(a day or more earlier) and especially just after your workouts.

I'm done with this for now, but wanted to mention that a good preworkout meal would be small and probably equal protein to carbs.

Also, regarding muscle mass, think of protein and carbs in this way: Carbs are for building muscle, and protein is for maintaining muscle. However, bad carbs will likely got to fat stores, except after a workout. More on that later.

Alright, I'm really done now.