Friday, November 21, 2008

Every time the government prints money, its like taxing us!!!!!!

That's right. Every time they print money because of the trade deficit or because they bailout a corrupt financial instution, they are devalueing the dollars that you own and trade. The bankers aren't doing as badly as you think. When money gets printed to save them, it just means they will get more interest on that money in the system. Every dollar represents a debt to someone, and every debt comes with interest. This is all well-orchestrated. Many people know about it. We just can't get the international bankers, politicians, and corporations out of bed together.

There are a great many people who knew absolutely how bad of a situation our country's finances were in. The international bankers and governments don't care. They make money off of it in the long run. The link below this Ron Paul video goes way more in depth to the point where you'll almost wish you didn't know this stuff. Did you know that the IRS and Federal income tax are unconstitutional?