Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Good Carbs, Bad Carbs Part One- The Glycemic Index

Why can bread or rice or a baked potatoe make you fat?

Carbs make up the majority of your diet so listen up as this is important. Well, maybe diet coke makes up most of your diet. If so, refer to my previous post. Okay- back to carbs- have you heard of the Glycemic Index? It is one of the more revolutionary factors to hit the nutrition industry in decades. Diabetes researchers came up with it more than 15 years ago, and use of its principles has started finally becoming mainstream a couple of years ago. I've been adhering to its principles for the last 6 years.

The GI basically tells you which carbs are bad and which are better and even lists the good carbs. For example, can you tell me why bread can make you fat? Think about it- if there's no fat in it, how does it make you fat? Well, the GI explains it, and more importantly I will break it down for you.

The GI research institute actually does human testing to see what the insulin response is to every carbohydrate. They even do it by brand name of many breads, cereals, etc. You can search it online to find the actual lists. What they do is eliminate all food in the person's system (starvation- close but not really). Then they have the person eat a particular carb and measure the insulin response.

Insulin is a nutrient carrying hormone, so when insulin is stimulated by a "high-glycemic" carb the nutrient is going to be taken out of your blood stream very fast.......check back later- there's much more...........

To get the updates to this post just click on the title of the post and at the bottom there will be a place to subscribe. It will take me a while to finish this, but I'll get it done within the coming days, and this will change your life! You might also want to see my post about abs below. That one will save you a ton of time.

(update) posting part two right now