Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Infrastructure Trick

Building infrastructure just continues building their pyramid. Who are they? They are the international banking cartel which works in unison with the government and large corporations.

They're using infrastructure building as a way to prop the economy?! It sounds to me like they're using the farce of saving jobs as a way to keep spending more money. The more money government spends, the more we pay in taxes, correct? The economy is crap, so hey- lets spend some money. If you're in a bad financial situation, do you go start a business? Do you go do some extra shopping? Do you renovate your house just to create a job for a handyman? No you don't, but that's what our government does, and nobody asks why. We just know that unemployment is high, and we get scared, so we don't question them. They know the situation is bad, so they use it to get more control- i.e. the Socialist endeavor of buying preferred stock in banks and auto companies. They say its all in the interest of saving jobs, but its not. Its in the interests of keeping taxes up, keeping spending going into the corporate accounts, and creating corporate profits. If taxes drop, they have to limit military spending. If we don't have military we can't get control of foreign lands in order to create business for the bankers and corporations.

People need to spend less, much much less. We need to have less. We need to travel less. We need to have less housing closer together. All that our country has been doing is focused on creating wealth for the banks who are in control. If we stop building, the banks have noone to loan money to and noone to enslave with interest. They control the government and work in unison with large corporations who obviously profit from it because they get the work. When they get the work, they give the politicians their piece of the pie, who in turn do the bankers' bidding by creating situations for the banks to lend or print money. We don't need the roads and bridges they're building. Are you kidding me? That's just to line their pockets. Not only do the banks get to lend on the project, but the big corporation gets the contract, and they all make money, and then we pay taxes for the road. And they do it with money that they printed, which devalues our current dollar holdings, which makes us need to take credit because we can't afford to buy anything with the dollars we have. The only thing that doesn't go up is our wage. Just ask yourself who is really winning in this state of affairs. They keep spending, making interest hand over fist, and getting wealthier while our wages stay the same and they increase immigration to facilitate it. Its modern slavery, and we don't even know its happening! Ask yourself this- If you were a slave master, would you rather pay to feed, clothe, and house the slaves yourself, or trick them into doing it on their own?

Please understand that every dollar the Federal Reserve prints is nothing but an i.o.u. I'm not speaking figuratively. This is a literal statement. The government gives the Fed a Treasure certificate and the Fed gives the government dollars at interest. Dollars are backed by nothing but an i.o.u. from our government. The Fed is a private entitity controlled by the International Banking cartel and it answers to noone and operates in complete secrecy. Our Fed, our Federal Reserve that controls our whole economy isn't even part of the government.

They do, however, organize everything! They do this with organizations like the Trilateral Commission, United Nations, World Bank, and IMF. These are all organizations with bankers, gov officials, and corporate officials as standing members. They work together to do what is in their most profitable interests, which in turn makes us slaves to their interest, taxes, and inflationary currencies. Every dollar printed backed by nothing devalues our currency and everything we have. Obama is no different from Bush. You won't believe that for a while, but watch. They will keep funneling money to international bankers and large corporations. They will keep the wars going, and they will keep enslaving us by printing more money and keeping the trade deficit and budget deficits sky high.

Have you ever seriously asked yourself this question?-- Why in the world are we at war in Iraq? We're still there! Obama is going to keep us there too! Just ask yourself. Actually, don't even ask. I'll tell you right now. If we have a big war movement, we have to spend money for it. If we need money the banks profit big time because we either have to borrow it from them or print it. If we print it, its essentially like borrowing from them because when the Fed prints money, its a loan to the government with interest. Plus, when money is printed it ends up back in a bank anyway, which they do what with? Right- loan it out again!!! Then what? It goes right back into another bank, and they loan it again at interest, over and over and over- making their interest profits literally out of thin air! More money printed equals exponential interest for the international banking cartel. Every dollar they print gets loaned out over and over and over because the entity who ends up with the money just puts it into a bank, which in turn loans it again. That is why the international bankers will do absolutely anything to keep their central banks in power and America's trade deficit high. The Federal Reserve is a private company yet we wait for their every move like they are running the world. Guess what- they are! Just search Google and try to find out who is behind the Federal Reserve and also Google the history of it.

After every bomb goes off and destroys everything, guess what happens. Halliburton and company has to go in and build infrastructure. Oh, and who's buddies do you think build the planes, bombs, and bases? Guess what they need to get that going! Money! Loans, my friend. This is why corporate tycoons and politicians are interchangeable positions like Dick Chaney being CEO, then V.P. Its the same position. Its a business. We are not a country anymore! Again- ask yourself- Why are we at war with Iraq?! Why were we at war with Vietnam? Now with the economy so bad they have the perfect excuse to print more money and build more crap we don't need in the interest of "saving jobs." If a job needs to be saved, it shouldn't have been there to begin with, and it was probably only created to feed the wealthy with a b.s. contract. When they create unnecessary work just for the sake of jobs, you don't get the natural exponential organic growth of real jobs and quality of life. They are called "make-work" jobs like in the Great Depression, and all it did was lengthen the depression!

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