Friday, January 30, 2009

Our Government is a Business and You are Slave Labor

Do you really believe Bill Clinton is worth $650,000 for one speech? No? Well, maybe he's worth the $510,000 he got for a different speech? Goldman Sachs paid him the 650, and gave almost as much to Hillary's campaign. Somebody would have to be an idiot to pay that much to motivate their group. Check out the Washington Post article:

Well, maybe they're not paying him to motivate the group but paying him back for what he did for them while in office and what his wife will do in her endeavors.

I can just see a corporate head introducing Clinton at their group's swaree: "Hey- this is Bill. He's the guy who got us our contracts way back when and kept those sweet ass policies in place, and guess what? His wife is gonna make it even better for us. Tell us a joke or something Bill!" I hope you don't think I'm just ragging the Democrats here. It is a unique situation for Bill because he can get paid off from what he's done in the past and do it better than anyone because he has the Hillary leverage. So, his kickback numbers are mind-blowing. So, no- I'm not ragging Democrats. The Republicans and Democrats work for the same international bankers and corporations as each other and get paid off in the same ways. The thought of them being any different is a farce. Thats why Libertarians call them the Republicats. They are both Socialist(not that they know this), borderline Fascist and support the Federal Reserve System(International Bankers) and taxing the people 50% of everything we make while destroying our money by printing more of it all day long. Our government is a business controlled by a smaller group of people than you would think, and they work in collusion with large financial institutions, other countries, and of course large corporations to serve themselves and live off the masses. Ever wonder why you can't get anywhere financially as a Middle Class citizen? Well, over the next five years, you're going to have to start paying attention! I know its hard. Its like a battle for your own mind. Good luck!

Here's a funny video before you read the rest of the post:

In The Know: Should The Government Stop Dumping Money Into A Giant Hole?

And here's a little blurb from the Post article for you:
"The banking firm Citigroup, whose employees and PAC have been Hillary Clinton's top source of campaign donations, with more than $320,000, paid her husband $250,000 for a speech in France in 2004. Last year, it committed $5.5 million for Clinton's Global Initiative to help encourage entrepreneurship and financial education among the poor."
So- ya think maybe some bailout money might go to the Citi's and Bank of America's?
Oh- you say, well, at least "we" will have control over them. Who do you think "we" is? Its not the people! Do you really think that the government and these banks and the federal reserve actually have different people controlling them? CEO's and Politicians are interchangeable pieces like Dick Chaney. They take a guy like Tim Geitner who was in charge of developing the credit default swaps that helped bring down the economy and make him the Treasury Secretary. These people are taking our tax money right out of our pockets and throwing it right into their own pocket. You just don't want to believe it because you can't imagine why they would want to do it, and you've actually believed the bullshit they've laid on you since birth. Whats the one thing they didn't teach you about in the state run school you went to, or even the religious private school? Banking and Finance! Google or Youtube the history of banking and The Federal Reserve System, and you will be slightly enlightened.

Definately not the prettiest dude in the world speaking here, so maybe just listen. Lol. Sorry guy, but you'd probably agree.