Thursday, March 12, 2009

New Libertarian Freedom Show on Fox

As you know, the Republicans and Democrats get all the press and our civil liberties suffer the consequences. Recently, I've been seeing Glenn Beck on Fox touting Libertarian and free-market ideals, and it has been very encouraging. Now there is a new show on called Freedom Watch. Please support the online version, as this may lead to a t.v. show. The Constitution needs as much help as it can get, so please support this show! The following is from Peter Schiff's Euro Pacific Capital newsletter:

"The show is hosted by longtime Fox judicial analyst and well-known freedom advocate Judge Andrew Napolitano. Other regular guests include Congressman Ron Paul and Lew Rockwell, president of the Mises Institute. The show is dedicated to presenting libertarian-leaning views on economics, politics, constitutional law, and government policy. Given the Democrat/Republican polarization that dominates the media, this is perhaps the only media vehicle that showcases this important perspective. If the show receives enough support online, we are hoping that Fox will consider broadcasting it on Fox News Channel.

The hour long program "streams" live on the Fox Internet channel called Strategy Room. You can watch live by going to the following Website every Wednesday at 2pm EST:"

This is a good episode, and I have closely relevant blog posts below, if you want more material like this.