Saturday, March 28, 2009

Our government waged a war because they had some "intelligence"

How ironic and novel that "intelligence" is what leads us to war. Not a real threat, but some good "intelligence" that somebody might have some weapons and might not like us very much. We need to rename the Defense Department the Offense Department. How can we trust this American Government? Because its now called a Democratic Administration not a Republican Administration? Give me a break! They're paid by the same people, and they make their profits the same way. Now that Hillary Clinton is Secretary of State we are looking at around 30 straight years of Bushes and Clintons interchanging in the White House. They get paid by the same banking cartels, oil cartels, et al.

So now Obama is sending more troops to Afghanistan because thats where the real threat is! Thank you Mr. Republicat. Its all the same. Tax us like crazy, so you can build your bases or your homeland infrastructure and pay off your buddies who got you the job and build the police force called the US Military so your corrupt system will grow and be protected in every corner of the world. The US Government and Military is a business just like any other and in an inflationary system based on fiat currency, it does not actually make money unless it grows its revenues. Why does the US Government have military bases in 130 out of 160 worldwide countries?

I won't forgive this government because it put on a different set of clothes and changed names. It is quite discouraging to live in a country in which you have absolutely no trust in the national government. However, I don't know if I'm more afraid that this government lied about every premise they had to go to war or that they got our public support for the idea to strike a foreign land because that country may not like us and might be able to hurt us. The majority of this country did support the war given the premises for attack were true. This government's ability to deceive and control the people of this country is a very frightening thing considering I live in this country. Obviously, foreigners need to be even more frightened.

Heres something even scarier from Wikipedia:
"Several prominent evangelical leaders of the Christian right sent an open letter (referred to as the Land Letter) to President Bush outlining a "just war" rationale for an invasion, citing Saddam Hussein's alleged possession of nuclear and biochemical weapons, and advocating immediate military action."

Watch the blatant deception here. I believe that looking back at this bit of history, people will be astonished that our leaders were not treated more harshly for their crimes.