Sunday, April 19, 2009

Treasury Department Forcing Chik-fil-A to open on Sundays

Another Fascist maneuver by our government in the name of creating jobs has hit main street. Banks and insurance companies are no longer exclusive to our newfound Communistic and Fascist ways. The U.S. Treasury Dept has stated that the opening of Chik fil a on Sundays will become a helpful boon to the job market, and Timothy Geithner added that he loves Chik fil a sauce, if you can believe that!

Although I am strongly opposed to any government becoming involved in private business the way the U.S. Gov is, I can certainly look the other way in the case of Chik fil A. Them not opening on Sundays has pissed me off for years, and I am willing to forego all my economic and fiscal beliefs to get my Chicken strips, waffle fries, and Chik fil a sauce on Sundays.

Okay, so I'm kidding, but how many of you would vote for this? Seriously, lets use our corrupt government for something useful like delicious chicken sandwiches on the day when we need them the most.