Thursday, May 14, 2009

Hey! Bubbles man!

Classic line from Trading Places with Eddie Murphy in the jacuzzi.

Sorry about any offensive comments in that vid below but its a great movie and very appropriate for this era filled with Wall Street shenanigans, and it was produced by the great Aaron Russo. Youtube him if you want some real truth.

I'm astonished that our fraudulent boom/bust financial system keeps trucking along in the exact same manner. The bubbles are just siphoned into another bubble(bonds) or patched and reinflated.

Here we go again with real estate: They are doing precisely the same thing as before just with less effectiveness. They're using low interest rates and subsidies to reinflate and prop real estate. Those are the same methods they used to inflate it to begin with, and look where that got us! Interest rates are below 5%, and they're throwing in $8 Grand to boot. People actually believe that the $8K is free money! That is the fraud and the fallacy. That comes right out of our pocket. They will close some tax loopholes or raise taxes somewhere. If you're thinking, "Well so what, they're just going to close some rich man's loophole or business loophole, so its no skin off my back." That is total b.s. Everything affects everything. Raising costs for a business raises your prices and lowers your wages. It hits you twice, not zero times. What is the point of taking from one place just to put into another anyway. Let the damn market decide the best place for money to go, not a bureaucrat!

Boom and bust is by design folks. Those in control time things perfectly to fleece us when we're ripe for it, and then start it all over again, and here we go again right now. They bonus on the way up and get bailed out on the way down. Not only are they doing it again with real estate, but the hidden tax of real inflation right now is killing us, and we don't even know it yet. Mortgages should be at 7%, not 4.8%, and that gap will be filled soon.

"They" of course, are The Fed, the Treasury Dept, the SEC, FDIC, FDA, etc. The US Government in general is a corrupt business machine owned mostly by European bankers, well now simply international bankers, and they own The Federal Reserve, a private corporation that has never been audited, as well as the European Union, IMF, United Nations, etc. Oct 27, 2005- Ben Bernanke, current Fed Chairman: "There's no Housing Bubble to Go Bust"

Getting some transparency on The Fed is the most important thing right now, or things will get much worse. Ron Paul has introduced bill HR 1207 to audit The Federal Reserve. Make sure no politician gets re-elected without supporting this bill! They will try to distract us with other dilemnas, but in my opinion- nothing would be a larger victory than getting real control of The Fed and possibly eliminating it.