Sunday, May 3, 2009

Just Say No to International Laws

Watch the video. Remember that governments use chaos to gain the order that they want. Drug wars in Mexico spilling over into our soil for example.

"Oh! Well we need to make sure they can't get American made guns anymore."

"Oh- well how do we do that? That Constitution thing over there means they have to have their rights, including the right to bear arms."

"Well, there's this international treaty they can use to strip their rights. Don't worry. They'll work it out somehow. They have the media and the dazed and confused people. Its all good."

Are you seeing a trend here? Swine flu out of Mexico, drug war escalating out of Mexico, border control issues out of Mexico: All in the last year if not more recent. The goal for them is creating International/Regional laws, the actual design of which is to strip of us our Constitutional rights the same way The Patriot Act does. Its Government against Individual Liberty 101. You should be on the side of Individual Liberty, by the way, unless you prefer serfdom. Wake up!