Friday, June 12, 2009

Government Seizing 401K and IRA Money Now!

Okay, so this has happened in Argentina, but at least I got your attention. With the international government that has developed over the last few decades everybody has the same laws in place anyway, and of course the U.S. government also has the right to seize your 401K and IRA. Our politicians are currently discussing putting your retirement account, into what they call a GRA- guaranteed retirement account which will pay 3%! Woohoo! a guaranteed 3% when inflation is at least double that!

So, did your financial planner even let you know that 401K and IRA can legally be seized by the government? Nope. This will become a very real scenario. Did you get your letter in the mail from Social Security last month saying that they're failing, and something will have to be done? Open the envelope. Thats what it says, like we didn't know. Well guess which organization will manage your confiscated money.

The best slaves are those which think they're free.

If you don't like Alex Jones, I will fight you. Remember to support HR-1207 to audit The Fed!