Sunday, June 28, 2009

Jobs Bill My A$%

"Make no mistake: This is a jobs bill," Obama said about the climate and energy bill. "We're already seeing why this is true in the clean energy investments we're making through the Recovery Act."

Obama: You and Pelosi are deceitful liars. No "mistake" has been made. You know good and well that overall jobs will not increase. You would have to be an absolute moron not to. You are a puppet and a liar just like your predecessors.

Tell me, anyone, how can jobs be created just by taking jobs from somewhere else? Tell me, tell me , tell me. Please! Jobs definately cannot be created by taxing me to pay for them. I'll tell you that much for sure. If you tax me to create a job, that just means my tax dollars did not get spent by me on what I need to spend the money on. So, someone whom I would have paid just lost a job because the government had some friends who wanted jobs. That fact aside, we are also going to have to pay much more money because of higher energy costs now. That means lower wages(job loss) and higher prices and therefore less available spendable income(indirect job loss).

Real creation of jobs comes from an increase in productivity. Not only does government intervention not create jobs, it actually makes us less productive because we have to pay government to (mis)manage the new program. You also get the bonus of the un-productive moral hazard that comes with the jobs for jobs sake policies within a government jobs program.

Watch this video for some insight to what this bill is really about. You need to understand what a government that is too big, powerful, and out of control is really up to. THEFT. Plain ole theft. 85% of the tax revenue of this bill, and I'm talking about Trillions, is going to the government's special interest corporate buddies. This is not about the environment. This is about money and international control. These people think decades in advance, so you don't really see what they're up to. Do you really think a politician douchebag like Al Gore would spend time parading around the country and making movies because he cares about the environment? No. He is a pitchman for the same people he was a pitchman for when he was running for office. Let me tell you about Al Gore: He really did claim that he had a hand in inventing the internet. He accepted tons of money from the tobacco lobby, and had a tobacco farm, but when his sister died of lunger cancer, he started lobbying for anti-smoking even though he was still making money off tobacco. One of his main political contributors was a cocaine dealer named Jose Cabrera. One of Gore's fundraisers, Howard Glicken, settled a money laundering case and was allowed to just pay a $375K fine to settle the charges. Gore participated in illegal fundraising at a Buddhist temple!!! Here is a simple rule to follow: Do not believe scumbag liars, and thats precisely what these people are. I am consistently shocked at how easilly these people are running over what was America. This "climate change" bill, which will further cripple us financially has actually passed The House.