Saturday, September 12, 2009

U.S. Gov Looks Out For Your Best Interest!

I hope the title of this post is shocking and laughable to you because otherwise it would mean that you actually think the U.S. government could possibly be acting on your behalf and not that of their corporate and banking bosses. Here is a good video below which outlines the flu scare and vaccine charade.

Please look at the post titles on the lower left of this webpage to see other posts about Monsanto, Rumsfeld, and drug companies and how they get control of the FDA and other government organizations to get their death, drugs, and profit policies in place. A vaccine is like planting a seed in your child which will require the future need for their corporate drugs. They make money coming and going just like bankers. People: there is nothing wrong with money, but these companies and politicians make money off lies, corruption, and outright murder.