Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Scary but True

Saturday, September 12, 2009

U.S. Gov Looks Out For Your Best Interest!

I hope the title of this post is shocking and laughable to you because otherwise it would mean that you actually think the U.S. government could possibly be acting on your behalf and not that of their corporate and banking bosses. Here is a good video below which outlines the flu scare and vaccine charade.

Please look at the post titles on the lower left of this webpage to see other posts about Monsanto, Rumsfeld, and drug companies and how they get control of the FDA and other government organizations to get their death, drugs, and profit policies in place. A vaccine is like planting a seed in your child which will require the future need for their corporate drugs. They make money coming and going just like bankers. People: there is nothing wrong with money, but these companies and politicians make money off lies, corruption, and outright murder.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Gov to Inject Us With Experimental Vaccines

Would you really trust the U.S. Government to inject you with anything? Do you really think this governing body is out for your best interests or do you think those in power work for large corporations who have no vested interest in your health and well-being? At this point they are even refusing to allow for testing of H1N1 anymore. They are basically saying that every case of flu reported must be lumped into a larger class that must be reported and treated as H1N1. Don't you see that the vaccine itself and fear itself are the objectives and not just happenstance.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

"Cash for Clunkers" Proves that the U.S. Gov is Just Wrong

Productivity is a good thing. Standard of living is a good thing. These things are good. I think anyone would agree. Maybe what people don't understand is that productivity and standard of living work hand in hand. Understand that the more we produce in the world, the more we have. Its indisputable. See, if we produce more, given that everything produced will be sold, then prices are lower, which means everybody can afford more. That is how productivity equals standard of living: more goods and services and lower prices equal more products and services for our standard of living.

See- raised standard of living for people is a good thing. Anything opposing good could be considered evil. After all this is our lives and our families we're talking about, right? Not just an economics lesson... which brings me to "Cash for Clunkers" and the U.S. Government.

First of all, it is 100% percent economically wrong to believe that taxing me to give money to a car company will create jobs. Let me say that again. YOU CANNOT "CREATE JOBS" THROUGH TAXATION, at least not wealth-building jobs. Yes jobs were created. I understand that. You just have to remember where your money DIDN'T GO. Understand that if my money is taken and given to a car company, then yes, that company sold more cars and employed people. Plus the buyer was benefited with a discount. What you do not see is where the money didn't go. What about the money that was taken from me? Was it to be buried in a time capsule left useless to not produce the same exact job creation effect? No. I would have spent that tax money on something that I NEEDED and something that the market correctly dictated demand for. Plus, the program will artificially inflate the price of the cars. The government can't create jobs. All they do is get control of the money so their corporate/banking bosses can gain more power. Plus they create government innefficiencies which end up costing us way more money than if we would have just spent the money ourselves.

Now, why do you think they want to do this? Whats in it for them? Not much, really. Its whats in it for their bosses, the people who pay them and get them elected. Large financial institutions and corporations, the big boys. Yes, our money goes straight into the big corporate automaker pockets, and the side benefit of that is the bankers get to lend more now that affordable cars exist, probably at a higher interest rate to anyone on the government program.

Not only is it wrong to think cash for clunkers can create jobs overall, but the government has added their own opposition to good by requiring that all the clunkers have their engines destroyed! WHAT!?!? Now why on Earth would we want to destroy a good piece of machinery. Why would we want to lower productivity and thus lower our standard of living? Why would the government do this to us? Simply because their big boss says they will sell more cars and loans if the used cars are destroyed. Who cares about the standard of living of the people. Its almost as evil as the U.S. Government patent on a crop seed gene called the Suicide Gene that has the effect of rendering the seeds left over after plant production useless for re-planting. Anti-productive and pure evil. Yes the government is perfectly willing to provide you with a lovely food shortage so their buddies can make more money far more easilly. You can see my post in the archive about Monsanto and the gov for more on that. You can see this video below for more on the Cash for Clunkers program. Oh yes, it gets even worse with this program.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Amen Farrakhan!

Preaching the word against The Fed! You know it!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Cronkite Will be Missed.... By The New World Order

Walter Cronkite represented CIA propoganda at its finest. Here is a quote from his acceptance of the Norman Cousins Global Governance Award at the United Nations:

"It seems to many of us that if we are to avoid the eventual catastrophic world conflict we must strengthen the United Nations as a first step toward a world government patterned after our own government with a legislature, executive and judiciary, and police to enforce its international laws and keep the peace. To do that, of course, we Americans will have to yield up some of our sovereignty. That would be a bitter pill. It would take a lot of courage, a lot of faith in the new order. But the American colonies did it once and brought forth one of the most nearly perfect unions the world has ever seen."

Please say no to any form of international government, including the very existence of the United Nations and their army.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Out of Control: United States of Goldman Sachs

I'll say nothing. Nobody could say it better than Glen. Awesome piece about the Oligarchy that is America

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Palin Joins the Unemployed

I guess her governor position saw a major cut in pay with the nation's eye so sharply focused on her every move. It has become necessary for her to leave her job that actually performs a real function for society to dive head first into the more lucrative function of entertainment and self-promotion.

The sad part is that this move will be more lucrative for her proving that entertainment and b.s. in general is what the people of this country crave. They will buy her book and watch her t.v. shows, and read magazines with her face all over it. They do not crave real leadership or truth. They are so used to the wrestling show that is the Republican-Democrat cage match that real policies, platforms, and progress are of little consequence. We would rather see Palin's basketball picture and email jokes about her to each other while listening to radio shows talk about her expensive wardrobe than we would like to talk about real issues in the world.

We are being misdirected and not by accident. Obama and company will pass another economically crippling bill that our elected officials have 12 hours to review, while the talking heads on Fox and CNN talk about a meaningless Palin or Obama's latest trip. Nobody talks about the most important political business going which may be HR-1207 to audit the Fed. It looks like it will pass the House, and any Congressman or Senator who does not support this bill should not be considered for re-election! This is the biggest no-brainer bill ever, and its focus is to audit the private Federal Reserve Bank, which has gone completely un-audited and has been above our laws and is owned by international banking cartels.

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies." - Thomas Jefferson 1802

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Jobs Bill My A$%

"Make no mistake: This is a jobs bill," Obama said about the climate and energy bill. "We're already seeing why this is true in the clean energy investments we're making through the Recovery Act."

Obama: You and Pelosi are deceitful liars. No "mistake" has been made. You know good and well that overall jobs will not increase. You would have to be an absolute moron not to. You are a puppet and a liar just like your predecessors.

Tell me, anyone, how can jobs be created just by taking jobs from somewhere else? Tell me, tell me , tell me. Please! Jobs definately cannot be created by taxing me to pay for them. I'll tell you that much for sure. If you tax me to create a job, that just means my tax dollars did not get spent by me on what I need to spend the money on. So, someone whom I would have paid just lost a job because the government had some friends who wanted jobs. That fact aside, we are also going to have to pay much more money because of higher energy costs now. That means lower wages(job loss) and higher prices and therefore less available spendable income(indirect job loss).

Real creation of jobs comes from an increase in productivity. Not only does government intervention not create jobs, it actually makes us less productive because we have to pay government to (mis)manage the new program. You also get the bonus of the un-productive moral hazard that comes with the jobs for jobs sake policies within a government jobs program.

Watch this video for some insight to what this bill is really about. You need to understand what a government that is too big, powerful, and out of control is really up to. THEFT. Plain ole theft. 85% of the tax revenue of this bill, and I'm talking about Trillions, is going to the government's special interest corporate buddies. This is not about the environment. This is about money and international control. These people think decades in advance, so you don't really see what they're up to. Do you really think a politician douchebag like Al Gore would spend time parading around the country and making movies because he cares about the environment? No. He is a pitchman for the same people he was a pitchman for when he was running for office. Let me tell you about Al Gore: He really did claim that he had a hand in inventing the internet. He accepted tons of money from the tobacco lobby, and had a tobacco farm, but when his sister died of lunger cancer, he started lobbying for anti-smoking even though he was still making money off tobacco. One of his main political contributors was a cocaine dealer named Jose Cabrera. One of Gore's fundraisers, Howard Glicken, settled a money laundering case and was allowed to just pay a $375K fine to settle the charges. Gore participated in illegal fundraising at a Buddhist temple!!! Here is a simple rule to follow: Do not believe scumbag liars, and thats precisely what these people are. I am consistently shocked at how easilly these people are running over what was America. This "climate change" bill, which will further cripple us financially has actually passed The House.

Monday, June 15, 2009

CareerBuilder: Hillary Wants You! For the International U.N. Police

I know that international policing is a big role they have for us now that the elite have fleeced us economically, but it is sickening to see it in offcial script via a job posting on Careerbuilder.com. Did you know that we had a Department of State International Civilian Police Program? Well, that makes it officially official, I guess. We are "Team America, World Police."

We have got to stop international government. There will be no more independence or liberty of any kind. What this ad boils down to is that you and I are paying $140K a year just for the next guy they hire to go crack some skulls somewhere in the empire. I don't care if its our military "Offense" department or Hillary's State department hiring Dyncorp to hire cops out of New Orleans. We pay for it, and all it does is serve the corporate and banking interests who control our government. I want to pay for this crap about as much as I want to pay for a bridge to nowhere or somebody's health insurance. Here's the ad with a link to it below.

Police Advisor

Job Description

Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs and

The Department of State is seeking experienced civilian police officers who are eager to accept a challenging and rigorous assignment to serve with the United States CIVPOL in Middle Eastern post-conflict nations. Service with an international police mission allows officers to apply their professional skills in dynamic environments that are experiencing intense cultural and political change.


Friday, June 12, 2009

Government Seizing 401K and IRA Money Now!

Okay, so this has happened in Argentina, but at least I got your attention. With the international government that has developed over the last few decades everybody has the same laws in place anyway, and of course the U.S. government also has the right to seize your 401K and IRA. Our politicians are currently discussing putting your retirement account, into what they call a GRA- guaranteed retirement account which will pay 3%! Woohoo! a guaranteed 3% when inflation is at least double that!

So, did your financial planner even let you know that 401K and IRA can legally be seized by the government? Nope. This will become a very real scenario. Did you get your letter in the mail from Social Security last month saying that they're failing, and something will have to be done? Open the envelope. Thats what it says, like we didn't know. Well guess which organization will manage your confiscated money.

The best slaves are those which think they're free.

If you don't like Alex Jones, I will fight you. Remember to support HR-1207 to audit The Fed!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Monsanto Owns Your Life

Life should not be patentable. You have no idea how badly they want to destroy your health to make a buck. Genetic Modification of our food seeds is making sure that centuries of natural processes will be destroyed and that only large corporations will make money from our need to eat. In the process, our options for healthy food will disappear, and the prospect for affordable food will dissapear. For example, there is a patent on a "suicide gene" for seeds that makes sure that the seeds left over from crop production are not effective for new growth. This will ensure that all seeds have to be bought all over again. This is the complete polar opposite of productivity and goodness in general. This is actually the equivalent of evil. The owner of this patent: United States Government